Midweek Groups (term time)

Our baby group runs every Friday from 9:30 to 10:30am.
It's open to all babies and toddlers who are not yet walking, their parents/carers.
£1 voluntary donation.
Trinity Tots meets on Thursday mornings from 10:00 to 11:15am in the church building.
We have lots of toys, messy play, a bible story, drinks and snacks.
The cost is £1 per child and there is no need to book.

Mini Club is for 3-6 year olds and their families. 3:00 to 4:30pm.
We have toast (you choose your topping!) games, toys, crafts and singing .
£1 voluntary donation would be great.
Wednesday Club is for all School Year 6 to 9 children. 6:00 to 7:15pm.
We have snacks and games and lots of other fun activities. There's time to chat and learn about new exciting things.
£1.00 voluntary donation would be great.

Kids Club on Fridays is for all School Year 1 to 6 children. 6:00 - 7:00pm (these are new times from September 2024).
Parents are welcome to stay for tea and cake and a chat during the session.
Youth Bible study is held on Sundays from 5:15 to 6:30pm and is for children of School Year 9 to 13.
As well as studying the Bible there's a chance to catch up with friends while enjoying a pizza!
Occasionally trips are organised like Go Ape and ten pin bowling...

Sunday Mornings
We have three children’s groups which run on a Sunday morning, during the main preaching service, along with a special area for babies and their parents/ carers. (All leaders are DBS checked an have undertaken relevant training.) See the groups below.
Occasionally we will have an all-age service, where there are no children’s groups, this is a service where all ages can come together and enjoy each other’s company while worshipping God.

Special Events
This is where you can find out about all the special events and notices.