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News & Events

Please scroll down for details of all term time children's activities. We also have a number of small groups for adults that meet during the week and online prayer sessions via zoom - contact us for further information.
9.15 Morning Worship (traditional format). Refreshments afterwards.​​​​
11.15am Encounter Service. Baby Space available for Under 3 year olds. Refreshments during and after the service. This is a more contemporary service. Also available on live stream via YouTube Holy Trinity Church, Aldershot.
7.30pm Prayer, Praise & Prophecy - first Monday of every month.
3-4pm Praying Grandparents - second Monday of every month.
​11.15am Midweek Communion Service.
7.45pm Refresh - a time of worship, open to everyone.
2.30pm Women's Hour - Ladies you are very welcome. It's a relaxed, social time.
12.00 - 2pm Brunch Club (see below)

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